Blackbeard and Blenheim Ginger Ale

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We've all heard of pirates' affinity for strong drink, but read on and discover how a certain pirate has found the one that beats them all....

Blackbeard and Blenheim Ginger Ale

Hey matey, ol' Blackbeard has gleaned a few pearls of wisdom over his 325 years, so you need to listen up. There's enough misinformation about yours truly out there to sink a Man-O-War, and nothing puts crabs in me breeches quicker than the "Rum and Gunpowder" rumours. Don't go thinkin' I never emptied a few tankards of fermented molasses every once in a think I survived this long drinkin' the water?

Find out more about Blenheim ginger ale at The Blenheim Shrine

All me brethren must know by now that most o' me railin' and shenanigans is more for show, and so it is about this whole rum and powder thing. I fess up to the braided beard, fuses under me hat, and such, and I did taste the awful concoction, but Avast! I could never swallow the stuff. Yes, the sulphury smell and sooty residue were too much for even the king of pirates.

Blackbeard enjoying Blenheim Ginger AleMe doctor found that 200 years o' grog done pickled me liver, so for over a century, I've been high and dry, ye might say. But don't feel sorry for me, or go thinkin' I gone soft! No, doctor May gave me something way better than rum and gunpowder: Blenheim Ginger Ale. I get all the fire and flash of rum and powder, but no black tongue or sulphury belch. And when my tummy is tossed from too much plunderin', I remember ol' doc May and grab an Old #3 Hot*.

I know there's many a lubber gone pretendin' to be pirates, after that movie with the Jack fellow. But you'll never be more closely followin' in the steps of the king of pirates than when you're guzzlin' a bottle of "the pride of South Carolina", Blenheim Ginger Ale. So find it, buy it, and drink it, or ol' Blackbeard will have to deal sorely with you.*

Blackbeard and Blenheim Ginger Ale- Pride of South Carolina

* This is not a paid endorsement, but a result of Blackbeard's marketing 'savvy'. The views expressed are those of Blackbeard, and we're better off letting him express them. Any health claims have not been verified by the USDA, but only because Mr. Teach hasn't made it to Washington yet. Blenheim Ginger Ale is truly the best. This is the end of small print.
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