Sunday, September 10, 2006

Talk like a pirate...or else!

It's a little over a week until that one event that inspires more folk to act like a pirate than any other, recent Pirates of the Caribbean movies excepted. Talk like a Pirate Day (which is always on September 19th) has grown in recent years to include parties, songs, and even ringtones. I'm sure the creators, John Baur and Mark Summers, had no idea it would create such a stir.
My own contribution to pirate-speak comes through the word drivelswigger, which I created with my tongue in my pirate cheek on my new website several years ago to have a fun way to track the indexing of my content. Despite claims to the contrary, it's only a joke intended to keep you from getting too serious about all this pirate stuff.
More than two full weeks removed from Labor Day, you need a frivolous holiday on which to wear an eye patch, shoot cannons, and yell, "Arrrr!" and "Avast!!". There's no better time to release your inner pirate.


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